jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Using the plataform

After doing all the activities I can say that the most difficult task was trying to listen some videos, because the audio wasn’t very good and clear, but anyway I could understand almost everything.
I enjoy the activity that you have to complete the sentence, I have almost everything good.

I have to improve my listening because is the skill that I found the most difficult.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience using blogs

Well guys, today is the last day that I write here and I will tell you about my experience using this kind of social network.
I found that blogs are useful because they help you to develop and improve your writing and your vocabulary. Also I can say that they are funny because you can write about different things, some examples are: places, tv shows, films, photography’s and so on.
I think that I’ve been improving a lot my vocabulary because there’s always a word that I don’t know and I have to search them, so that help you because you learned that word.
I would like to include in the future topics about family, friends, pets, favorite food, the best trip, and funniest stories and so on. I think that if you include that the blog will be more interesting to read.
Also I can say that having a blog is something that I liked because it represents you, you can agree photos, videos, you can add your friends and obviously your classmates.
I just have to say that I’m so glad to do this and just say goodbye, it was a good experiences.
See you on another blog 


jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

My favorite series

I remember that when I was younger I loved to watch “RBD” it was a kind of series that you could see every day on the TV.
I liked it because it was so funny, there was a special story inside of it, there was a friend group and they had a band, I have to admit that I still used to listen some of their songs, they are really good!
I enjoy this kind of series because I like all the drama that you could find in it, I remember that I was a child I hoped to be like one of them, and they were some kind of idols to me. Also, there was a character that I was absolutely in love with him.
I used to have a lot of posters of them in my bedroom; I talked a lot with my friends all the day about “RBD”

To be honest, I’m not really good watching TV and series, I prefer to use my time in others things, but, anyway if there’s a good recommendation of a series I think that I would have it in mind.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person that I admire

I think that I dont have a person that I admire, but the person who is closer to this definition could be my mother.  Her name is Maria and she is 49 years old, she works in Italmod, and his husband (My father) is Erwin. She is important to me because she always has been with me and also she works a lot to give to me and my brother a good life. Even when we have a lot of differences I love her and I know that everything that she does is because she loves me too. My mother is not a famous person, her name doesn’t appear in the TV and her face never will appear in a coin, but she will always use a big part of my heart, for all the things that she teaches to me. Really, I don’t know what I would do with out my mother, she knows everything, just with a call she can solve  a problem that I have. Also she cooks delicious, I would like to cook as the same way like she does.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

A country i'd like to visit

 Taj Mahal 2012.jpg

My favorite place is called “Taj mahal” is situated on “India” and has a love story behind.
I would like to go there, because I like all the culture of the oriental countries, also I like the landscapes that are there.  I don’t know a lot about this country, but is has this building that is very nice to me, I was looking about travel to India, but it’s extremely expensive, I should work all my life to earn enough money to go there. If one day I travel I would like to visit more places, know the gastronomy, and also visit others buildings, But it’s something that I see so far yet.
Taj mahal is considered like the most beautiful mogola architecture, it’s very popular because is known by the romantic character that it has.
Now, is one of the most important touristic place to visit on India. It’s considered world heritage site and its part of the new seven wonder of the world.

See you.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

My favourite movie

My favourite movie is called "Patch Adams" it is about a student of Medicine that tries to change the way to treat a patient, with love, and laugh.
I like it because it show us, that there's always a different way do to it better, and that the system is not something that you can't change, also in this movie appears a scene that the protagonist "Patch" says my favourite poem, and I always cry haha. I don't remember very well when was the first time that I saw it, but I think that it was four or five years ago, when I was fifteen.
I like a lots this kind of movies, romantic, drama, science fiction and so on, really I like every kind except horror movies, because when i want to sleep I always dream about it and I usually have nightmares and that is screaming.
The last movie that I saw in the cinema was "Terremoto: La Falla de San Andres" I went with my boyfriend and I found it very interesting, because we lived something similar and also it is something that can happen again and we have to be prepared for it.

My favourite photo

Maybe, you may think that this photo is not happy and it doesn't show you a great moment, and you're right. Anyway, this is my favourite photo, it was taken almost one year ago, in Brazil, exactly in the big party that happens every four years. This photo was taken by "José Ignacio Valdivia" on 28th of Juny, just when Chile lost the match by penals with Brazil. 
The protagonist of this photo is Gary Medel, one of the best players of Chile, the photo means a lot to me because, it shows a feeling to all football lovers, maybe everyone who saw the match, at the end, wanted to cry. 
Is for it, that I reckon that this photo represent an entire country in a sad moment, I know that football is not the most important thing in the world, but it is a way to scape from the rutine.
There are some things, that just football can give us.