jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person that I admire

I think that I dont have a person that I admire, but the person who is closer to this definition could be my mother.  Her name is Maria and she is 49 years old, she works in Italmod, and his husband (My father) is Erwin. She is important to me because she always has been with me and also she works a lot to give to me and my brother a good life. Even when we have a lot of differences I love her and I know that everything that she does is because she loves me too. My mother is not a famous person, her name doesn’t appear in the TV and her face never will appear in a coin, but she will always use a big part of my heart, for all the things that she teaches to me. Really, I don’t know what I would do with out my mother, she knows everything, just with a call she can solve  a problem that I have. Also she cooks delicious, I would like to cook as the same way like she does.

4 comentarios:

  1. Cute <3 <3 <3
    It`s a lovely feeling, I`m happy for you and I like read beatiful words :)

  2. Cute <3 <3 <3
    It`s a lovely feeling, I`m happy for you and I like read beatiful words :)
