jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

My favorite series

I remember that when I was younger I loved to watch “RBD” it was a kind of series that you could see every day on the TV.
I liked it because it was so funny, there was a special story inside of it, there was a friend group and they had a band, I have to admit that I still used to listen some of their songs, they are really good!
I enjoy this kind of series because I like all the drama that you could find in it, I remember that I was a child I hoped to be like one of them, and they were some kind of idols to me. Also, there was a character that I was absolutely in love with him.
I used to have a lot of posters of them in my bedroom; I talked a lot with my friends all the day about “RBD”

To be honest, I’m not really good watching TV and series, I prefer to use my time in others things, but, anyway if there’s a good recommendation of a series I think that I would have it in mind.

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