jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience using blogs

Well guys, today is the last day that I write here and I will tell you about my experience using this kind of social network.
I found that blogs are useful because they help you to develop and improve your writing and your vocabulary. Also I can say that they are funny because you can write about different things, some examples are: places, tv shows, films, photography’s and so on.
I think that I’ve been improving a lot my vocabulary because there’s always a word that I don’t know and I have to search them, so that help you because you learned that word.
I would like to include in the future topics about family, friends, pets, favorite food, the best trip, and funniest stories and so on. I think that if you include that the blog will be more interesting to read.
Also I can say that having a blog is something that I liked because it represents you, you can agree photos, videos, you can add your friends and obviously your classmates.
I just have to say that I’m so glad to do this and just say goodbye, it was a good experiences.
See you on another blog 


4 comentarios:

  1. Although sometimes the topics it was bored, the experience it was fun!

  2. Hi laly !!! I think that this experience is very necessary

    see you ....

  3. I agree with you respect to the blogging exerience woud be most interesting if it include topics about family, friends, pets, favorite food, the best trip.
    Good luck! :D
