viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

My favourite movie

My favourite movie is called "Patch Adams" it is about a student of Medicine that tries to change the way to treat a patient, with love, and laugh.
I like it because it show us, that there's always a different way do to it better, and that the system is not something that you can't change, also in this movie appears a scene that the protagonist "Patch" says my favourite poem, and I always cry haha. I don't remember very well when was the first time that I saw it, but I think that it was four or five years ago, when I was fifteen.
I like a lots this kind of movies, romantic, drama, science fiction and so on, really I like every kind except horror movies, because when i want to sleep I always dream about it and I usually have nightmares and that is screaming.
The last movie that I saw in the cinema was "Terremoto: La Falla de San Andres" I went with my boyfriend and I found it very interesting, because we lived something similar and also it is something that can happen again and we have to be prepared for it.

My favourite photo

Maybe, you may think that this photo is not happy and it doesn't show you a great moment, and you're right. Anyway, this is my favourite photo, it was taken almost one year ago, in Brazil, exactly in the big party that happens every four years. This photo was taken by "José Ignacio Valdivia" on 28th of Juny, just when Chile lost the match by penals with Brazil. 
The protagonist of this photo is Gary Medel, one of the best players of Chile, the photo means a lot to me because, it shows a feeling to all football lovers, maybe everyone who saw the match, at the end, wanted to cry. 
Is for it, that I reckon that this photo represent an entire country in a sad moment, I know that football is not the most important thing in the world, but it is a way to scape from the rutine.
There are some things, that just football can give us.