domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My favourite Band

My favourite kind of music is reggae, I find it very nice and you can listen to it in every moment, because it’s relax. Also reggae tries to send us a special message about life, love, war and so on. In this kind of music I can mention a lots of bands that I like, but there’s one that is my favourite one, his name is “Soldiers of Jah Army” or simply, SOJA. 

They are from USA and I listen to them since I was like fourteen years old. Last year I had the opportunity to listen them on live twice, it was fantastic, a dream come true,it was on "Frontera Festival" I have a lots of videos singing my favourites songs like "Let you go", "When I was younger", with them. I hope that if SOJA come this year to Chile, I want to see them again.

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