jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

"My Auto Biography"

Hi, i'm gladys saaverdra, i'm 19 years old, I was born in Santiago on the 7th  of February.
I'm studying public administration at Universidad de chile, i'm on the second year and I can say that I like it too much.
I live with my parents and my brother Diego in a flat, near the subway station "Laguna Sur", he is studying kinesiology at santo tomás and he's older than me for six years.
My best friend is Montserrat, I know her since I was like 8 years old, I have a nice relationship with her, she is very confident and a good person.

                                                                   Montserrat and me
I played football a few years ago, and I loved it, anyway I had to leave it and actually im not doing any sport.

                                                        Here, before a match with Karin

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi laly! good to know more about you. Hope to see you soon :)

  2. Hi Laly!!!!!! who is the cofident??? what is his name ??? jejejejeje see youuuuu

  3. Hi Laly, or Gladys ,I didn't know that was your name.
    We live in the western sector of Santiago! greatings!
